For quite some time, I have been meaning to start blogging but never get around to doing it. But one of my new year resolution is to get started and share my experiences with those who might be interested. So here I go.
Since it was year-end time for the company where I work, the finance group had to work from Dec 27th till 31st when most of the people were out on vacation. Being part of finance group meant I had to work through the last weekend as well. It was a very busy week but everything went well. Came the last day of the year. Initial thought was to go out to some nearby place with my wife to welcome the new year. But I was too tired to go out any where. So we decided to take it easy and relax at home. TV was turned on around 11:45 PM on Dec 31st to follow the earlier recording from Times Square. Wife got us some apple-mango cider which tasted different but awesome. Most of Jan 1st was spent on phone calls (making and receiving), emails, Facebook, etc. Asked wife to pick a place to go for dinner and of all places, she picked Baja Fresh. It's all about cravings I suppose.
Also, for the past three years, my doctor has been wanting me to get my blood tested. But I need to make sure that I don't eat any thing for 12 hours leading up to the blood draw. That has been an issue as I get headaches if I don't eat for so long. Since we had an early dinner last night and today being an off day from work, I thought it's the right day. As expected, I ended up with a headache this morning but left for the hospital with such only to find out that hospital is closed the day. Bummer!! Will have to try that some other time.
I have been missing out on cricket for a while. So I am looking forward to next weekend to start playing again. I have set up some resolutions for 2012 like losing at least 20 pounds which would be good for my health. I have also set some career goals. It will be interesting to check on this by the end of the year.
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